MakerBot 3D printers now available in a dozen Home Depot stores – Engadget
MakerBot 3D printers now available in a dozen Home Depot storesEngadgetThe Home Depot's core business revolves around helping you craft things, so it stands to reason that you'd eventually find 3D printers there, doesn't it? Sure enough, that's what's happening today. You can now buy MakerBot's Replicator line at both the …
3D-printing gives Normal earphones a tailored fit (Gizmag Emerging Technology Magazine)
If you enjoy music on the move, there's a very good chance that you've been troubled by earphones popping out of your ears just as you're getting into the groove. There are high-end earphones or professional in-ear monitors available that require the buyer to pop along to an audiologist and go through an uncomfortable custom fit process to ensure the buds won't keep falling out as you run through the park or jump around the stage. Or you could look into having a custom set of earphones made. This is precisely what Normal founder Nikki Kaufman did, but the significant cost and long shipping delay she encountered prompted her to find another way. She came up with a way to tailor each pair of earphones to the wearer using a free mobile app and a 3D printer… Continue Reading 3D-printing gives Normal earphones a tailored fit
**Section:** Home Entertainment
**Tags:** 3D Printing, Comfort, Earphones
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