Arcam AB's New 3-D Printer Takes Off With Aerospace Companies – Motley Fool
Arcam AB's New 3-D Printer Takes Off With Aerospace CompaniesMotley FoolWhat makes things particularly exciting here, however, is that the $630 billion aerospace industry is just now beginning to move beyond using 3-D printing technology for prototyping and small-run production of noncritical components to the production …
The EKOCYCLE Cube, A 3D Printer That Uses Post-Consumer Waste Like Plastic Bottles as Printing Material (feeds.laughingsquid)
The EKOCYCLE Cube is a 3D printer by 3D Systems that uses post-consumer waste like plastic bottles as printing material. 25% of each printer cartridge consists of post-consumer recycled materials — about three bottles worth of PET plastic. Will.i.am introduces the EKOCYCLE Cube 3D printer. The EKOCYCLE Cube is not just another tool for making, […]
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